New EP No Ninja Am I recorded with one mic
One mic, One take and four songs. De muziek van No Ninja Am I die meestal uit een zorgvuldig opgebouwde lagen bestaat laat zich nu in de meest pure vorm zien. Gezien de reacties wordt het gewaardeerd:
“Toffe nieuwe EP van No Ninja Am I, met het soort artistieke uitdagingen waar ik van houd: opgenomen in één take met één microfoon. De beste lakmoesproef: terug tot de essentie.” – Jasper van Vught
“If You Want This to Mean Something is a glorious piece for love. Often we fall in love without knowing that it’s happened. It’s a celebration to tell that tale for all to feel.” – Comeherefloyd
“This EP is like a house concert, with the artist right in front of the audience. Kudos to Michel Vermeulen who captured it perfectly, handled production, mixing and took the photo that was used for the cover art.” – Here Comes the Flood
“One of the most impressive things about If You Want This To Mean Something is that it was recorded in one take, and yet it sounds simply perfect to us. Munster sounds almost like a modern day Bob Dylan, and the track is simply beautiful, with a heartbreaking melody winding through the chorus. If this doesn’t mean something to you then there must be something seriously wrong!” – York Calling
Opgenomen met de Flea 47 microfoon.
Meer info over No Ninja Am I op de website
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